Hi everyone, this being my first President’s Report it’s appropriate to reflect on the changeover last night and then outline some visions (and plans) for the coming Rotary year:

What a pleasing night for our changeover. A BIG thank you to DG Bill Degnan and wife Judy and AG Colin Byron for coming to our club and helping the night become a real success.
Thank you to Phillip and 2021 – 2022 Board and Members for your confidence in me and ongoing support. Thank you Phillip also for your work especially through the extremely challenging COVID period and beyond for always bringing new ideas and dedication to the role of Rotarian and the various portfolios held by you over the years and well done on the Paul Harris Fellowship.
From my perspective, it is a privilege to be inducted as the President of this Club – Represented by an amazing group of people and their partners.
My goals for this year are summarised below. Interestingly they have some similarity to those I set in my first stint as President back in 2009-2010. That was also on 22 June exactly 13 years ago! Thirteen (13) is one of my favourite numbers so that is a good sign.
- Play a big part in Community Service in our local and wider community. This is the very purpose of our existence as a Community Service Club and so it is my principal focus for this year.
- Place a very high focus on new members and increase membership by at least 3 and reduce average age of the club membership – otherwise Goal No 1 is very difficult to achieve.
- Maintain key projects and funding streams
- Increase public awareness of RCNW & Rotary
- Increase fellowship activities and place a greater focus on these
- Maintain foundation funding and funding of other donation recipients to 2018-2022 levels
- Increase attendance
- Have a range of interesting speakers at meetings – now that covid is done and dusted.
- Maintain the avenues of service: Club Service, Vocational Service, Community service and International Service.
- Maintain PP Phillips’ dedication to the concept of the ‘Friends of Rotary’, Corporate Sponsorship, Club Leadership Continuation Plan and the maintenance of the key administrative tools and processes – The Club Website, RI Website, WhatsApp communication, The Club Manual and The Club Corporate Governance, Maintenance of Insurance Risk Minimisation Processes – phew.